Home Biogas

Featured image with the text: "Home Biogas fertilising garden plants and gas for cooking".

Home Biogas – Small AD For Fertilising Garden Plants and Gas for Cooking

How to Make a Home Digester (Maybe) There is a growing band of biogas enthusiasts who spend their time perfecting digester designs and discussing improvements online. They say that would-be home biogas digester constructors should first build a tiny gallon-jug model before going all out with a small-scale or large-scale digester. “Running this, your first […]

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gobar gas biogas digester fuel

Simple Gobar Gas Plant – Anaerobic Digestion Philosophy and Design

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut finibus justo commodo erat semper varius. Vestibulum egestas tristique aliquam. Vivamus euismod erat nec tempus dapibus suspendisse. Quisque rutrum erat leo, ut gravida diam dictum eu. Interdum…

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Image text: "5 Steps to Solving Your Home Digester Problem".

5 Steps to Solving Your Home Digester Problem

The 5 Steps to solving your home digester problem can be as simple as follows: 1. Investigate the cause of the problem such as blocked pipework, inefficient waste feed preparation and/or mixing. 2. Assuming that you have sufficient feed materials of suitable quality for biogas production and good digestion, see if the problem can be […]

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